Presidential candidate Swalwell supports drastic gun reform

— Staff Writer

Firearms ownership is a contentious issue in the United States, and Democratic presidential candidate Eric Swalwell is adding fuel to the fire. This Wednesday, he is on record supporting drastic changes in law for every state, requiring gun owners to be licensed and potentially insured under new regulations.

Swalwell has spoken against gun violence during his campaign appearance in Las Vegas, touching lightly on the deadliest mass shooting in modern history which occurred at the Mandalay Bay Hotel resort and casino.

Congressman Eric Swalwell
Nomination candidate Congressman Eric Swalwell. Image: United States House of Representatives

Swallwell holds a San Francisco-area seat in Congress, but garnered a moderate turnout. He was happy to meet with a small group of voters and members of advocacy group Moms Demand Action. Nevada State Assemblywoman Sandra Jauregui, who recently sponsored gun control legislation and survived the 2017 mass shooting that killed 58 people was able to give her support.

Struggling at the bottom of the crowded Democratic field, Swalwell has built his campaign platform on gun regulation and reform, hoping to curb gun violence through several key initiatives.

Not alone in this among his Democratic competitors, he has doubled down, and proposed a national buyback of assault weapons. Though such programs tend not to meet with success, his interest in the matter has attracted rich support. A full firearm policy will be revealed next week, he says.

He has also considered removing legal protections that keep gun sellers and manufacturers from being sued by victims and their families. Opponents have called that contentious, anti-American, and inconsistent, citing that any object used in a crime could open the manufacturer up to massive liabilities.

This article has 274 words.

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